Nice job to everyone during the last cycle we just finished up! We saw a ton of improvement from people and a lot of PR’s! Let’s carry that over to this cycle coming up!



15 Min to Find 8RM Back Squat


15min AMRAP

-30 WB

-20 Burppe Box Jumps

-10 CJ P:(70/45) F:(52/35)



26min EMOM

Min1: 8/8 SA DB Push Press

Min2: 100m Sprint

Min3: 4 Strict PU or 6 Ring Rows

Min4: 40sec Row



Max Reps Bench Press @60% of Previous Max


5min on/5min Off x2

-6 T2B

-12 OHS P:(42/30) F:(35/25)

-24 DU



4 Sets:

-50m Keg Carry

-25M Slow Sled March

-30 Sec Weighted Plank


5 Sets

-20sec AB Sprint

-15m Y/A Upper Body Sled Pull

-10 sec AB S;prtin

Rest 2:00



10 Min to FInd 1RM Power Clean



-21 KBS

-15 Push-ups

-9 STOH P:(75/50) F:(62/40)


10 MIn EMOM:

-5 Push Press AHAP


10min AMRAP

-14 DL

-21 V-Ups

-Run 400m Together

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