Most of our talk about nutrition is about nutrients, timing, etc…but one very easy way to help us eat healthier and meet our nutrition goals is to look at portion sizes.

A portion is different from a serving size. A serving is a commonly measured amount of food. For example, a half a cup of pasta is a serving. A portion is what we actually have on our plate or what we are served at a restaurant.

Controlling our portion size will automatically control our caloric intake and help us maintain consistent nutrition habits.

Here are a few easy and practical tips to control your portion sizes.

1.. Ask for a To-Go box BEFORE your meal comes. Kelly does this and it works great! When your meal comes, go ahead and pack half of it up for tomorrow.

2. Split a meal, appetizer or dessert. Don’t order your own, sharing is caring!

3. Use a smaller plate! When you have the option, use a smaller plate to eat from. Believe it or not, the average plate size has increased considerably over the past 50 years. If we have a larger plate we have this urge that says we need to fill that extra space. Use a smaller plate and you’ll naturally have smaller portions! If you keep extra food off the table you will be less likely to go for a second helping while your food is digesting as well.

If you need help applying these nutrition principles or would like a personalized nutrition plan just fill out this form to schedule a free consultation with Kelly, our nutrition expert!


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