Technique Tuesday: Crossover Symmetry

You always see these crazy colored bands hanging up in the gym and people doing all these weird moves with them. But what are they and what is it for? Are they doing Bandercise??

Nope, they are taking care of their shoulders!

Crossover Symmetry is a fantastic tool that we use, not only for our overhead athletes, but with everyone as a means of prehab/rehab and strengthening the small motor control muscles, tendons and ligaments in your shoulders.

Once you get used to it, it only takes a couple of minutes to do before you train….here are just a few of the benefits!

1. Mobility
Releases muscle knots that can be painful and limit range of motion.
2. Stability
Strengthens and restores balance to the shoulder.
3. Motor Control
Improves muscle coordination and timing for better performance.

Check out a quick overview here and stay tuned next week for a step by step guide to each movement

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