Welcome to the last week of January!! You have hit the new year running and everyone’s looking good! Keep consistent, take care of your body and eat well! Monday Back Squats with Heiden Jumps [...]
Hey Sharks! Great job last week on focusing on solid movement and technique! Keep up the great work! This week we are in week 2 of our new training cycle…have fun! Monday A1. 1,1,1 Back Squats, [...]
Hey Sharks! Great job with Pre-Testing last week! We had a lot of PR’s and more importantly we now have a weight to calculate percentages on for this training cycle. It is important to stick with [...]
Hey Peak Sharks! Welcome to the New Year and the new training cycle! This week we are doing a Pre-Test for this training cycle, we will track as always but be sure to write down your results!! If [...]