Training Outline and Events

We have a big couple weeks coming up at the gym…don’t miss out!!

Feb 15th – Friday Night Lights Draft – SIGN UP NOW!!
Feb 18th – Dunk Truck returns – register a time at
Feb 22nd– Friday Night Lights Begins!!
Feb 23 – Barbells & Brunch – Ladies Potluck Brunch following the 9am class

Front Squat or Auxiliary Strength

3 rounds for time of:
1,000-meter row
15 superman
21 leg lifts

650 m row
20 Bird Dogs
21 sit-ups

or Auxiliary Strength

Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – 400/300 Meter Row
Station 2 – 30 Stationary Dips
Station 3 – 400 Meter Run/200m run
Station 4 – 15 Hanging Leg Raises/laying leg raises
Station 5 – 10 Renegade Rows/push-ups
(Push-Up, Row Left, Push-Up, Row Right = 1 rep)

Bench Press with DB
or Auxiliary Strength

A. Brown
2 rounds for time
24 DL **30%
24 Box Jumps
24 Wall balls
24 Bench Press **30%
24 Box Jumps
24 Wall balls
24 Cleans **30%

24 box jump or step ups
24 wallball cleans
24 push-ups
24 box jump or step ups
24 wall ball cleans
24 goblet squats

or Auxiliary Strength

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
12 Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches
9 Burpees
6 Strict Pull-Ups

12 goblet squats
9 push-ups
9 ring rows

Sumo DL
or Auxiliary Strength

5 rounds for time
400m run
20 OH walking lunges KB (total) (10 each arm)

200m run
30 lunges (15 each leg)

15 mins
double bodyweight sled push!! 50 m sled push
Try to get 3-4 pushes in before the end of 15mins

4 Rounds for Time (with a Partner)
8 Man Makers / Plank Hold
20 Deadlifts (30%) / Wall Sit
24 One-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters / Scissor Kicks
Cash out:
500 Double-Unders / Row
With a running clock Partner A starts the man makers while Partner B holds plank. Partner A may not start a rep until partner B is working. Partition the work as needed, but both partners must work at the same time. Partners may switch positions at will. Once the man makers are complete, either partner may start the deadlifts, and so on. There is no work requirement (eg: meters or calories) on the final row

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