Hey Sharks! Everyone is looking great this training cycle! Technique, consistency and everything else is improving steadily! Keep being consistent and working with your Coach for Life when you need it!
Back Squat- 5×3 @80-90%
2min on/4min off x3
-12 ub Wall Balls
-6 Burpees
Strict Press- 5×3 @80-90%
5 Rounds
-Run 200m
-2 Wall Walks
-12 Goblet Squats
4 Sets:
-AMRAP Ring Pullups(-2) w/ 2 sec hold
-Max Bottom of Pushup Hold
10min AMRAP
-5 Power Snatches (P: 52/35 F: 42/30)
-10 Push-ups
-15 DU
4 Sets:
-30 Sec Ring Plank
-30 Sec Dbl KB Front Rack Carry
-30 Sec Wall Sit w/ Med Ball
5x 400m Row @ :07 under 2k split
Rest 2-3min
Bench Press- 4×1 @93-98%
24min EMOM
Min 1: 8 KBS + 8 Box Jumps (P: 32/24 F:24/16)
Min 2: 3 Full Snatches @ 70%
Min 3: :12 Bike Sprint + 8 T2B
Min 4: 7 Ring Dips (H: Ring Push-ups)
With A Partner:
3 Rounds
-30 Cleans (43/30)
-30 Pull-ups
-Run 800m