Caleb Williams

    Fitness and Strength have always been a part of my life. My passion led me to create Peak Performance Weightlifting in 2005, where I have been blessed to impact the lives of youth and high school athletes through strength and conditioning. In 2012 we partnered with Steve Platek and brought Crossfit Gwinnett into our home. Through the growth of the gym we have never left our core beliefs, to provide world class coaching on a personal level to every member in a strong, family driven community!Competitively, I have been lifting in strength sports since 1995. My journey began competing in Powerlifting (squat, bench press and deadlift). I competed in Powerlifting for 12 years and loved it, but always had the dream of competing on the Olympic Platform. After winning the Silver Medal at the Powerlifting World Championships in 2006, I changed paths and began training for and competing in Olympic Weightlifting. It has been a blessing to compete all over the globe, make amazing friends and help many other athletes meet their goals over the years of competing and coaching.I Crossfit because: I love the community that we have and the workouts are always different, but what I have found is that Crossfit has actually improved my weightlifting performance which is a huge bonus!I coach because: It is such a blessing to be a part of people’s lives every day and be able to impact them in a positive way. There is nothing more rewarding than knowing you had a part in changing someone’s life and helping them reach their goals!My best exercise is: The Clean and Jerk!! (and front squats :-))The exercise I am terrible at is: Rowing….that stupid thing kills me! That is the one time I wish I were taller.My favorite Superhero is: Superman. I loved him growing up!Accolades:Powerlifting:

    • 10x National Champion
    • 2x Junior World Champion
    • Junior World Silver Medal
    • Senior World Silver Medal
    • World Record Holder in Squat (722lb at 148lb)
    • American Record Holder


    • 4x National Champion
    • American Open Champion
    • American Record Holder (174kg CJ, and 304 kg Total @ 69kg)
    • 3x USA World Team Member
    • Pan American Team Member


    • USAW Club President
    • Crossfit Weightlifting Trainer Course Certified and Ass. Coach
    • Coached Athletes to qualify for, medal at, and win National Championships at different age categories.

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