Brandon Dozier has been part of the 7pm faithful crew at Peak and has made amazing physical progress. More importantly though, Brandon lives a happy and healthy life both inside and outside of [...]
Last week on Technique Tuesday, we gave an overview of what the Crossover Symmetry system is and why we choose to utilize it in our general training programs as well as rehab/prehab protocols [...]
Monday Back Squat- 4-4-3-3-2-2 Start first set at 70% and add weight every set 600m Run @85% effort -rest 3:00 300m run (sprint) -rest 2:00 Repeat Tuesday “Nutts” For time: -10 Handstand [...]
We all know we need a good balance of protein, carbs, fats as well as nutrients to support a healthy lifestyle. But how do we make great tasting meals that meet that criteria?!? At Peak Strength [...]
You always see these crazy colored bands hanging up in the gym and people doing all these weird moves with them. But what are they and what is it for? Are they doing Bandercise?? Nope, they are [...]
Most of our talk about nutrition is about nutrients, timing, etc…but one very easy way to help us eat healthier and meet our nutrition goals is to look at portion sizes. A portion is different [...]
We focus our efforts in our fitness routines and training so much on our percentages, volume, nutrition and more…but we often overlook one of the most important aspects…SLEEP! If your eating and [...]
Peak Strength and Fitness’ Prescription for a Great Life Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why being fit is important? What is the reason we really workout? Is it just for the sake of being [...]