July Member Spotlight: Brandon

Brandon Dozier has been part of the 7pm faithful crew at Peak and has made amazing physical progress. More importantly though, Brandon lives a happy and healthy life both inside and outside of the gym with his lovely wife Bethany. We are all blessed to have Brandon as part of the Peak Family as he is always encouraging and pouring into everyone around! Let’s get to know him even better….
Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself, your family and your life
My name is Brandon Dozier and I am the second oldest of 7 kids ( five boys, two girls). I am extremely close to each one of my family members and have a total of six nephews and counting. I am happily married to Bethany who I have known since high school. (I stole her from her date at the Senior prom).
What are your hobbies?
Oh man! I enjoy downhill mountain biking, one of my favorite spots is at Bent Creek in Asheville, NC, golf, camping, CF, I’m kind of a nerd and into astrology; boating, and anything challenging that keeps me occupied…… Craft beer is fun too =)
What brought you to Peak?
The drive to live my life being in the best physical shape possible.
How long have you been a member at PSF?
Maybe nine months and I love my family here, especially the 7:00PM folks. I am happy to be a part of a wonderful group of like minded people. I really appreciate the staff and all my coaches here!
What is something we might not know about you?
Hmm. You might not know that my younger brother chopped my left index finger in half with an ax splitting firewood for my grandpa. I’ve got a pretty cool scar.
What is your favorite song to workout to?
I’m a Chevelle or Breaking Benjamin type of dude.
If you could spend a day with anyone, who would it be?
Is this a trick question? Because I think you’re going to get me in trouble 🙂 I’ll be safe and say my wife, but since this is a fun dialog, I will be straight up. Otherwise you are going to find me most likely spending the day with one or all of my four brothers; Chris, Dustin, Nate and Nick on a golf course somewhere in the hills of Western Carolina.
What are you looking forward to most about having your first child?
Oh wow! I am looking forward to the opportunity and challenge of being a good role model, and I am looking forward to guiding her and teaching her everything she needs to know along the way. I have been blessed with a wonderful wife that shares the same values as I and I trust with her by my side we will be a great team for our daughter, Delta Dozier.
What is it that keeps you coming back? What motivates you to work hard?
I think the single most important thing that drives me back into the gym is the chaos from the day at work. I work a pretty arduous job in the oil and gas field where it can take its toll. PSF is a great place to reset and release my stress.
What is one of your big goals for 2017?
I think it is important to note that beside from being mentally and physically strong, having a spiritual side and diving into that is important to me as well. My biggest goal would be to dive deeper into my faith and take more time to encourage others around me. I want to be a good leader for others.
Thanks for always lifting up everyone around you Brandon! We love you brother! 

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