Having tight hamstrings will limit your mobility and performance as well as put you at a higher risk of injury. Try out this self myofascial release trick to increase your range of motion and [...]
Nice job to everyone during the last cycle we just finished up! We saw a ton of improvement from people and a lot of PR’s! Let’s carry that over to this cycle coming up! MONDAY 15 Min to Find [...]
A tight neck/traps are one of the issues we see on a weekly basis in our clients. There can be a number of causes, but more often than not we see this stemming from either sitting too long during [...]
MONDAY For Time: -200m Run w/ Sledge Hammer -10/10 Sledge Hits -20m Tire Flip -20m Sled Push (60/40) -20m Sled Rope Pull TUESDAY 15 Min to Find 1RM Snatch Row 600m For Time WEDNESDAY 15 Min to [...]
Hey Peak Family! September is winding up and we are (somehow) almost in October! As the weather cools down, at least it better, we have some fun stuff going on with our Peak Family! First, in [...]
With school back in and everyone back to work, we want to take a minute to talk about the effects of sitting too many hours a day! Luckily we can use Janda’s Crossed Syndrome to help us predict [...]
MONDAY 5 Front Squats + 1 Jerk – 1 Set Every 2 Min for 5 Sets @70-80% 4RFT -Run 400m -20 Wall Balls -10 STOH P(62/42) F:(52/35) TUESDAY 30min AMRAP Min 1: 10 Box Jumps Min 2: 40sec bike Min [...]
Hey Guys! Tomorrow’s Class Schedule will be just an 8:30 and 12:00 class with open gym in between. We will keep everyone updated on Tuesday as well but we want everyone to be safe! We have an “at [...]