Shoulder Strength: Bottoms Up Pressing

Shoulder stability is a very important foundation part of a well designed training program. But it is often and easily overlooked. It is not sexy and not something where you see major increases in lifts immediately, but it will result in long term progress and shoulder health.

We are going to go over a whole shoulder stability series, with this week  being exercise 1!

One of our favorite exercises is the bottoms up press, especially in the half kneeling position. This engages the core as well as strengthens your grip at the same time. You’ll need to start with a lighter load to maintain control and good positions the entire movement.

We recommend starting with 3-6 sets of 4-8 reps, and you will benefit from it as a warmup before training as well as accessory work after your program. So wherever you have time to get them in, do it!

Check out how to properly perform the bottoms up kettlebell press…

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