Your IT Band plays a major role in performance and function of your legs and hips. If you are experiencing pain or tightness it is important to spend time analyzing and assessing what is causing [...]
Wrist pain is a common issue we deal with among our members. The causes can range from alignment corrections, poor positioning while typing or writing, overuse and more. When dealing with wrist [...]
Our forearms control our grip, fine movements in our hands and have a huge effect on the health of our hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders. We often neglect the small muscles in our forearms, [...]
This training cycle we are introducing you to the sumo deadlift! We are really excited about it and are looking forward to teaching you! First, below is an overview of the technique we need to [...]
Having tight hamstrings will limit your mobility and performance as well as put you at a higher risk of injury. Try out this self myofascial release trick to increase your range of motion and [...]
This training cycle we have been adding bench press into our training because it is a great exercise to strengthen the arms and shoulder girdle. It will have a direct carryover and improve your [...]
One of the most difficult things to get comfortable with in the snatch is the receiving position. It takes a high level of flexibility, strength and coordination to be in a good position in the [...]
One of the our goals this training cycle will be focusing our efforts on improving strength and technique on the clean and jerk. We will use a variety of movements to reinforce proper positions [...]
Positioning in the snatch is often approached by looking at the bottom position, torso, upper back, shoulders, elbows, etc. and for good reason. Often times we overlook the wrists and the role [...]
When our coaching team begins coaching a new member, our first goal is to find out who you are, what you are looking for, what your needs and and make sure we are the right fit for you. We don’t [...]