This Week’s Training Outline!


10 Min EMOM:
Even- 5 Power Cleans
Odd- 30 Sec Double Unders

10 RFT
-3 Full Cleans P:(80/55) F:(60/40)
-6 Push ups
-9 Sit ups


Every 3 Min x4 Sets:
-15 Bench Press @55-65%
-7/7 SA Ring Rows

90sec on/3min rest x 4
-6 OHS P:(42/30) F:(35/25)
-6 Box Overs


Every 3 Min x3 Sets:
-12 Back Squats @75-85% of 8RM
-20 Plank to Pushups

5 Sets
-:20sec AB sprint
-8 DB Push Press
-Rest 2:00


30min EMOM
Min 1: 10/10 Wide Stance Pallof Press
Min 2: 8/8 SA Ring Row
Min 3: :40 Stop/Go Shuffle Shuttles
Min 4: 8/8 Half Kneeling Landmine Press
Min 5: Row :40sec


8 Min EMOM:
Even- 3 Sumo DL @41X1 Tempo
Odd- Spiderman Lunge + Thoracic Twist

6min AMRAP
-10 HPC P:(60/40)
-10 Burpees Over the Bar


In teams of two, alternate tasks to complete 5 sets each of:
-7 Deadlifts P:100/70 F:95/55
-14 Pull ups
-400 Meter Run

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