Our forearms control our grip, fine movements in our hands and have a huge effect on the health of our hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders. We often neglect the small muscles in our forearms, [...]
One of the most common positional errors we see in clients is in overhead lifting (snatch, jerk, press, etc). It takes global flexibility to be able to achieve a proper (read safe) position. Too [...]
This training cycle we have been adding bench press into our training because it is a great exercise to strengthen the arms and shoulder girdle. It will have a direct carryover and improve your [...]
One of the most difficult things to get comfortable with in the snatch is the receiving position. It takes a high level of flexibility, strength and coordination to be in a good position in the [...]
We know that our thoracic spine serves as kind of the control center for movement and stability in our upper bodies, especially when lifting weight over our heads. Often, when we run into someone [...]
Last week on Technique Tuesday, we gave an overview of what the Crossover Symmetry system is and why we choose to utilize it in our general training programs as well as rehab/prehab protocols [...]
You always see these crazy colored bands hanging up in the gym and people doing all these weird moves with them. But what are they and what is it for? Are they doing Bandercise?? Nope, they are [...]
Welcome back to another Technique Tuesday! We have already discussed the benefits and importance of bottoms up kettlebell Presses as well as waiter walks. Now we are going to combine these two [...]
Waiter walks are a fantastic way to strengthen and stabilize your shoulder girdle and engages your core at the same time . Waiter walks teach you how to pack your shoulder (driving down into your [...]
Shoulder stability is a very important foundation part of a well designed training program. But it is often and easily overlooked. It is not sexy and not something where you see major increases [...]